Monday, February 2, 2009

Networks Hate Pro-Life Ads- Or Not

prochoice, prolife, abortion, choice, superbowl, advertising, nbc, pro life, pro choice

There has been a lot of whining from the prolifers about NBC's refusal to play a prolife ad during the Superbowl. "Oh, it's life affirming." "They'll play ads with bad language and sexual entendres, why won't they play our ad?"

Here's the deal, kids. The ad shows a fetus and then describes the life story of Barack Obama- the point being that you shouldn't have an abortion no matter how bad things are because your pregnancy could result in the next Barack Obama. (This is sort of an odd tack for the prolifers to take considering how much they hate Obama's stance on abortion, but whatever.) They play this game all the time with Beethovan and other notables from history- and that's the point. It's okay to do that with Beethovan, for one thing, he's dead. For another, we have no idea what his opinion on abortion would have been.

However, to use a living person, our President no less, who is in favor of a woman's right to choose, in a prolife commercial is disingenuous at best. "Intellectually bankrupt" comes to mind, as well.

Oh, and here's one for you:

A woman is her husband's third wife- and his half niece. She is pregnant with their fourth child, the father's sixth. The father is brutally abusive and the family is extremely poor. Would you choose to continue with the pregnancy?

If you said yes, then you just saved Hitler's life. Good for you.

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